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Any C++ project

Newton can be used in any c++ project as any other c++ library, supported compilers are gcc, msvc and llvmm.

Any programming language

Any programming language that can understand and utilize simple C interface (simple function calls, pointers, structs and callbacks) can be used, example of this are Delphi and Lazarus / freepascal. Newton can be compiled as a .dll or .so for nearly any platform.


Supported and up to date:


Fully supported, just make sure you compile it properly, see:

Apple: Mac and Iphone

Fully supported.



  • Using 3DSMax 5 and .3DS format
  • Set your units and system units to the units you're going to base your physics on (e.g. metres). After creating the object you wish to export, centre it to 0,0,0 and reset the pivot. This will make the created collision object match the imported mesh in global space properly.


Integration of Newton with OGRE

  • There is nothing special to get Newton and Ogre working toegether, other than converting between Newton'x 4x4 matrices and Ogre's Quaternions and Vectors.
  • for a quick way, there is an OOP library available that wraps Newton in Ogre-friendly classes called OgreNewt available from walaber. MAIN DOWNLOAD LINK
  • there is also a tutorial on the Ogre WIKI that explains the basics of writing an OgreNewt application.

3D GameSudio

XNA Game Studio Express

  • There is a current (as of May 18, 2007) XNA GSE Wrapper here.
  • The wrapper is an early release and comes with a rebuild of Newtons tutorial 2 as well as a fully XNA/C#ed wrapper.
  • More revisions to come as the author (Jason Maskell) discovers bugs or limitations in the wrapper code. Any feedback would be appreciated.


MSPhysics is a real-time physics simulation extension for SketchUp.

It is written entirely from scratch, integrating the latest Newton Dynamics Physics SDK and heavily basing on a C++ extension.
