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void NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB( const NewtonCollision* collisionPtr, const dFloat *offsetMatrix, dFloat *p0, dFloat* p1)


Returns a axis-aligned bounding box for this collision that the newton uses internally, the box is calculated relative to offsetMatrix and is not a precise AABB. The returned AABB will not take the scaling of a convex hull modifier into account, if you need that then use NewtonCollisionSupportVertex.


The aabb is newton is an optimal aabb for physics collision it is not a tight AABB around the shape.
If you want a tight and precise aabb then use funtion NewtonCollisionSupportVertex instead. For example see:


  • const NewtonCollision *collisionPtr - pointer to the collision object.
  • const dFloat *offsetMatrix - pointer to the first element of an array of 16 floats containing the offset matrix used as the coordinate system and center of the AABB.
  • dFloat *p0 - pointer to the first element of an array of at least three floats to hold minimum value for the AABB.
  • dFloat *p1 - pointer to the first element of an array of at least three floats to hold maximum value for the AABB.


  • Nothing.

See also

NewtonCollisionClosestPoint NewtonCollisionPointDistance NewtonCollisionCollide NewtonCollisionRayCast