build static mesh overview

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Re: build static mesh overview

Postby JoeJ » Sun Aug 07, 2022 11:07 am

Them if someone come on later to implement the Dog class,
that person does not take the Cat class and make changes so that it acts as a Cat and also a dog.

Sure, but that's no example for my problem.
In fact i don't want a dog, i want a cat.
Let's say evolution goes on, and my cat has a slightly different genome than the original cat. :wink:

Actually i'm lucky, because your functionality requires no modification.
This is actually a sign that both your functionality, and my new genome, are probably good.
This is the upside, and what actually matters.

Now the downside is: I can not easily implement my new genome, even it is just a plain simple modification of data. This is why i personally dislike and what i often associate with 'OOP' and its problems.

I am well aware that my modification of data violates higher goals as expressed by principles and paradigms.
I know that my modification will break if you do changes.
I know from the perspective of those higher goals, my way of doing it, is wrong.

But i know even more that those higher goals are just wishful thinking. :roll:
No matter how good we are at it, or how gracefully we follow SOLID etc.,
our software still does not end up that modular, reusable and easy to maintain, as we have hoped. No?

Thus we should not argue about those things. OOP does not always work well, and nothing else does either.
Actually i'm sorry that i brought you into a situation where you maybe felt a need for defense. That's not my intent.
I just want to provide feedback, so you can add this to your list of potential issues, and how to do eventual future improvements.

Anyway for what I can see, we I get form what you explain is that class ndShapeStatic_bvh does what you need, but the builder is the problem.

Not quite.

* Using the builder is the ONLY way to generate a static bvh at all. But i don't need a builder, because my geometry is already 'built'. My geometry processing pipeline is responsible to output this data respecting Newtons low level data structures. For reasons of efficiency, which weight higher than encapsulation programming principles.
So there should be a way to access this low level data, plus some documentation about this data.
It is expected this causes maintenance cost of updating the geometry processing pipeline on breaking changes on Newtons side, which is fine.

* ndShapeStatic_bvh makes assumptions, which are only guaranteed to hold within your tightly coupling to the builder and its intended use.
The assumption i mean is that adjacency is missing and has to be computed on your side.
That's not necessarily the case. Any preprocessing pipeline must have adjacancy information and wants to give this as input.

Notice: In my case, your adjacancy algorithm even fails in special cases.
The reason is a double sided triangle, making the tip of the toe from the Armadillo model.
Your algorithm does not know one edge should be open to connect to the toe.
It thinks the edge is closed, and the adjacent face is the other side of the tip, instead the actual toe.
My meshes were cut at this spot, so your algorithm has no way know about the toe and fails for my case of segmented 'mega mesh'.

That's just one reason why i need to take care about geometry in detail and require to transfer this to Newton precisely.

If this is correct, then you only need to override the builder, thsi class below

No, not correct.
By replacing the builder, i still have no way to pass adjacency information.
ndShapeStatic_bvh calculates this from scratch no matter what.
I can fix this easily using this:
Code: Select all
D_COLLISION_API ndShapeStatic_bvh(const ndPolygonSoupBuilder& builder, const bool computeAdjacency = true);

That's a little change i can do on every update, so i don't request you would add this.

Despite that, my current hacky solution is close to optimal. I'm happy.
But on tho long run, segmented mega meshes might become used more often. (I came up with that term just now, but feels pretty descriptive.)
We have seen what heightfields and instances of small scale models give us, but we are not really happy with is technical and visual restrictions.
Plus, modeling / scanning all those small scale models is expensive.
Thus, i think what we want is to generate worlds mostly procedurally, but using proper simulations instead dump perlin noise.
Imitating the real world, what we get is a huge, connected mesh. There should be no divisions and no seams.
At this point we must segment our mesh into multiple smaller patches to process it.
That's where i am, and i expect some problems from established legacy standards.

If you follow the idea, you can clearly see the problem: Our segment must describe the geometry across the splitting boundary.
That's why i solve this by adding extra normals to those missing faces, and linking them on the edges.
So that's a very small change, not affecting things like acceleration structure.
Ideally i would be able to do those small changes with out a need hack OOP principles.
This is what i do to get the pointer:
Code: Select all
#if 1 // HACK: access private bvh->m_indices
         ndInt32* indices = *( (ndInt32**) (((uint8_t*)bvh)+160) );
#else // get offset
         ndInt32* indices = bvh->m_indices;
         ndInt32** ppindices = &bvh->m_indices;
         size_t offset = offsetof(ndShapeStatic_bvh, m_indices); // MSVC debug+release, Clang release: 160
         uint8_t* pptr = (uint8_t*)bvh; pptr += offset;
         ndInt32* indices2 = *((ndInt32**)pptr);
         SystemTools::Log("offset of ndShapeStatic_bvh::m_indices: %i\nppindices %i == pptr %i\nindices %i == indices2 %i\n", offset, ppindices, pptr, indices, indices2);

Fu@#, not even offsetof works with private members!
Why, the hell?
I hope the guys at C++ committee just like to torture me.
Otherwise they take their higher goals just a little bit too serious, imho.

So now you have been warned.
If you don't stop this, i'll add #define private public to my preprocessor definitions, and call it a lucky day without further obstacles :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

if you decide to do what I said in previous post, you can save your data using that function,
and them load it with a mesh viewer to see if is right.

No, no. I can understand, visualize and verify your related data structures at this point. At least those related to my issue. 8)

Consider it solved for now. Just said for feedback.
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Re: build static mesh overview

Postby Julio Jerez » Sun Aug 07, 2022 11:53 am

Ok, so the bvh does not meet what you have in mind
Them you has to derive from the base class of the bhv.

That way you do not has to use mesh builder, you can simply add the functionality to you new collision shape.

On the mesh builder, that's a style I follow when I program.
I make a class that can be use to preprocess input data, and avoid the proliferation of function to the class.

Most classes that manipulate complex input data follow that style, unless that input is too simple.

In the case of the meshbuilder.
All the class does is that it produces a clean vertex list index list mesh from a vetex list mesh.
The adjacency only deal with single manifold mesh.
Double faces are not allowimplicit, that's would seen a short comming, but the fact that the contact calculator assume the shape to have non zero volume, make unnecessary to handle that, if it did it will simply generate collision explosion.
Ex, if a body penetrate a large flat polygon, a part of the body is in one side of the polygon while some is on the other side. This will produce contact in on direction and contact on the exact opposite direction.
So not Doble face are not allowed.

As fir vertex corners, that's to a functioning in may be important for some application, but for the contact algorithm neuto use, whi is featur bases.
When a pair of feature contains a vertex, the contact is determine by the fistance from the Verte to the other feature, so adjacency is not part of the calculation.

For edge, is different because the contact on the edge, has a direction that is a vector between the angle from by the normals of the share edge.

You have to remember, that not matter how advanced a mesh
Data structure was, an the end of the day, it is not relevant for rigid body physic, what is important is contact position and contact normals.

So if you have an advance mesh, you should be able to just feed the vertex list of polygon to the mesh builder and build a bvh, and that should produce a collusion mesh that at least you get you started.

Them from there, you should be able to make the improvement you want.

An example is the height field, it is possible to make a bhv from a height field, but knowning the properties of that data, subclassing a new class make sense, in term of memory saving and performance.
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Re: build static mesh overview

Postby JoeJ » Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:39 pm

Ok, so the bvh does not meet what you have in mind
Them you has to derive from the base class of the bhv.

I tried this. But it quickly felt stupid to copy paste all the code, just to do some minor changes. There are even helper classes declared in the cpp file, so i'd need to copy paste them too.
My current hack is much better than that.

No. The only proper solution is to add more interfaces to the existing bvh, so it is more flexible to setup the geometry, build bvh, and compute adjacency or not. I can't do this, only you could.

Double faces are not allowimplicit, that's would seen a short comming, but the fact that the contact calculator assume the shape to have non zero volume, make unnecessary to handle that, if it did it will simply generate collision explosion.

Yeah, i need to test this, and probably i'll have to prevent such double sided triangles. I do not assume a physics engine would work robustly for such degenerate cases.
I realize my guarantees regarding 'no degenerate cases' only apply to the paramterization of the surface, but not to the volume in 3D it represents.
Initially this geometry is meant to generate surfels for lighting, and such double triangle gives two surfels, covering the whole hemisphere. For lighting that's fine and adds detail to the toe, but for collisions it's a degenerate case. So i need to decide: Either disallow geometrical degenerations in general, or post process the physics mesh. Not sure yet...
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Re: build static mesh overview

Postby Julio Jerez » Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:18 pm

I tried this. But it quickly felt stupid to copy paste all the code, just to do some minor changes

that's exactly what you have to do.
Julio Jerez
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