Newton + Ogre

Share with us how are you using the powerrrr of the force

Moderator: Alain

Postby walaber » Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:49 am

the debugger is a "Singleton" class. you don't need to worry about making a copy for yourself, it's guaranteed that only 1 copy will ever exist.

you need to do this:

to initialize:

OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton().init( mSceneMgr );

then in your loop:

OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton().showLines( world );

or you can save a reference to the singleton like this:

OgreNewt::Debugger& debug = OgreNewt::Debugger::getSingleton();

then just do:

debug.init( mSceneMgr );
debug.showLines( mWorld );
Independent game developer of (mostly) physics-based games. Creator of "JellyCar" and lead designer of "Where's My Water?"
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